Spring 18 embedded systems projects

Last week the Embedded Systems class demoed its final projects and posted them online. The 13 projects included a spinning LED display and a plant watering system that kept track of soil moisture (ab0ve), and a “piano” that made the most of interrupts to read 8 buttons (bel0w). Projects are generally based on the Microchip 328P processor and programmed in C in the Atmel Studio environment. Yes we could use Arduino (and sometimes do) but students graduating from this class should be ready to work with whatever chip is best suited to the application. So, they spend a lot of time with the 328P datasheet learning how things work at a low level. Beyond firmware that runs on the microcontroller, there’s a mini trend toward Python and game development environments for fancy graphics on computers that connect to the microcontroller. This year’s projects included a “Boogie Ball,” a bank that added up the value of coins dropped into it, and many more. These CECS and ECE students are headed to Capstone final projects and ready to invent the future.


Capstone students are sweating it

This semester’s lab-affiliated Capstone team is busy testing the wireless wearable accelerometers they’ve built. Our Capstone course is a semester of senior year and it’s usually the last project students do for course credit. The big picture for Team 9 is a system to measure training intensity, with some great guidance from the Athletics department. For now, however, this means engineering students are running and sometimes leaping down the hall carrying wireless breadboards. Besides circuits, they’re setting up a data server and handling streaming data. Can they identify jumps and count jumps per minute, for 20 athletes at once? Time will tell!

Their task is to build a system that collects raw data from wearable sensors. Here is interleaved data from two students:

This wall of data can be turned into a plot of vertical acceleration, separated out for each student. Can you tell who is skipping vs jogging? Let’s pit one student against another. Well, these two students seemed to take about the same time to get up to speed. Next, they’re working on finding features in the data such as jumping height, number of hops, and hop rate.

And of course Team 9 is looking at ways to conserve battery power. Even though the battery is rechargeable, it needs to last through a practice. A “charger doctor” for checking on USB device performance is an easy way to keep an eye on system power consumption.



Fabric linear motor

We continue experimenting with patterning different types of fibers. When fine insulated wire is embroidered onto a piece of linen tape and supplied with a current, it interacts with magnets. Two sets of embroidered coils, one on top and one on the underside of the tape in this video, pull the tape to the left along an alternating magnet array when the coils are energized in a sequence. Flat embroidered coils near magnets are already used as speakers which can be thought of as a kind of actuator. The above tape is an example of a linear motor that is normally built from hard materials, except in a conventional linear motor, the magnetic part moves, and the coils stay still. Below, a single magnet hops along the coil, keeping to the center where the magnetic field is strongest. Here the coil switching rate is increased from 2 Hz in the tape video, to 5 Hz, and the magnet is able to keep up.

Tumbling tumbleweed

In an effort to create tiny holes in our molded rubber parts, we made these small salt crystals by adding concentrated saltwater to alcohol, which is a poor solvent for salt. Right away, it starts to snow 25-micron cubes. The cubes are added to liquid rubber, then dissolved out in water, creating voids–an approach that other groups have used successfully with larger particles like sugar, table salt and rock salt. But can you spot something that isn’t a cube? We had some acrylic microspheres show up in this electron microscope sample, the same material that’s used in acrylic manicures. We were checking out this acrylic powder as another type of sacrificial material to make tiny holes. These plastic spheres charge up easily and seem to get everywhere.

Fall 17 class roundup

The latest batch of ECE 412 (Embedded Systems) projects is now online. Check out the LED sign that now adorns our lab, the duct-tape based CyberHand and the sound-controlled ping pong tubes. The 14 projects also included a sorting hat, plus a different kind of sorting system based on a pressure sensor. While cardboard and tape are fine building materials for this class where we are mainly evaluating microcontroller skills, the laser at FirstBuild added a special touch to a few projects.

In ECE 473 (Electromagnetic Fields & Waves), which is normally a theory-based class, the fall students had an unusual assignment to build an electromagnetic train– and I was happy to see a few students making use of their MATLAB to plot the magnetic field along the coil. Our coils were short segments to get the basic idea, so here’s a much longer one from YouTube for inspiration. The set of videos from AmazingScience gives more details on fabrication and dimensions than most others.