This course is offered in the fall. Follow up on ECE 473 (Intro to Electromagnetic Fields and Waves), or Physics 541 (with instructor permission). Blend it with what you learned in circuits class to understand how to deliver power and signals over long-distance transmission lines without reflections. Branch off to new material on impedance matching, electromagnetic radiation, waveguides, and applications. See demos with a vector network analyzer (Smith Charts in action on real devices), optical waveguides and LIDAR, Doppler Radar, a microwave “metamaterial” that connects to cutting-edge research on invisibility cloaks, and interactive simulations. Compare and contrast microwave waveguides and optical fiber waveguides. Not so interested in transmission lines? The same concepts are a good start on understanding high frequency circuits used in modern wireless devices, where the wavelength is comparable to or even smaller than the size of the circuit board.