Dr. Yehya Senousy recieved his MSc. and PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) from University of Louisville (UofL), USA, in Summer 2007 and Spring 2012, respectively.
His PhD research focused on the creation of three dimensional electrodes with different microfabrication techniques using the cleanroom facilities at University of Louisville. These electrodes are used in microfluidics applications such as pumping and mixing fluids in microchannels. His field of research includes fabrication of devices on silicon, Silicon dioxide, silicon on insulator and glass wafers. He has strong experience with UV photolithography, sputtering, e-beam evaporation, resist developing and processing, wet etching, dry etching and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). He started a postdoctoral position on May 2012. His postdoctoral research focused on creating flexible electronics devices by transferring patterned metal and silicon dioxide to PDMS.
Publications, conference papers, and presentations with Harnett Lab:
Harnett Lab
Senousy, Yehya M. 2012. “Soft Lithography at the University of Louisville Cleanroom.” Poster presented at the 17th Annual KY EPSCoR Conference, Lexington, KY, May 17.
Senousy, Yehya M. 2012. “Fabrication of Out-of-Plane Electrodes for ACEO Pumps.” Poster presented at the American Physical Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, February 27.
Senousy, Y. M., and C. K. Harnett. 2010. “Fast Three Dimensional Ac Electro-Osmotic Pumps with Nonphotolithographic Electrode Patterning.”
Biomicrofluidics 4 (3).
Harnett, Cindy K., Katherine A. Dunphy-Guzman, Yehya M. Senousy, Michael P. Kanouff, and A. Templeton, Jeremy. 2008. “Design, Fabrication, and Testing of an Induced Charge Electroosmotic Mixer.” In
Proceedings of Eighth International Electrokinetics Conference. Santa Fe, NM, USA.
Harnett, Cindy K., Jeremy Templeton, Katherine A. Dunphy-Guzman, Yehya M. Senousy, and Michael P. Kanouff. 2008. “Model Based Design of a Microfluidic Mixer Driven by Induced Charge Electroosmosis.”
Lab on a Chip 8 (4): 565–72.
Senousy, Y. M., E. V. Moiseeva, and C. K. Harnett. 2008. “Strain-Induced Three-Dimensional Microfabrication for Advanced Antenna Architectures.” In
University/Government/Industry Micro/Nano Symposium, 2008. UGIM 2008. 17th Biennial, 220–22.
Harnett, C. K., E. V. Moiseeva, and Y. M. Senousy. 2007. “Embeddable Metal Coil Microparticles for 3-D Metamaterial Applications.”
Moiseeva, E. V., Y. M. Senousy, and C. K. Harnett. 2007. “Strain-Based Self Assembly of Nanostructures for Non-Destructive Large-Scale Integration.”
Moiseeva, E., Y. M. Senousy, S. McNamara, and C. K. Harnett. 2007. “Single-Mask Microfabrication of Three-Dimensional Objects from Strained Bimorphs.”
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 17 (9): N63.