Shafquatul Islam

Shafquatul Islam is a Ph.D. student in Electrical and Computer Engineering.


Publications, conference papers, and presentations with Harnett Lab:

Islam, Mohammad Shafquatul, Sushmita Challa, Danming Wei, Jasmin Beharic, Dan O Popa, and Cindy K Harnett. 2024. “Investigating Flow Induced Mechanics of Strain-Engineered Microcantilevers Integrated in a Flow-through System.” Microsyst. Technol., September, 1–14.
Islam, Mohammad S, Sushmita Challa, M H Yacin, Sruthi S Vankayala, Nathan Song, Danming Wei, Jasmin Beharic, and Cindy K Harnett. 2023. “Thermally Driven MEMS Fiber-Grippers.” Journal of Micro and Bio Robotics, August.
Wei, Danming, Sushmita Challa, Mohammad S Islam, Jasmin Beharic, Cindy K Harnett, and Dan O Popa. 2022. “Multi-Robot Collaboration for Electronic Textile Fabrication.” In 2022 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS), 1–6. IEEE.
Islam, MS, S Challa, MH Yassin, SS Vankayala, J Beharic, and CK Harnett. 2022. “MEMS Bimorph Fiber-Gripping Actuators.” In 2022 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS), 1–6. IEEE.
Challa, Sushmita, M Shafquatul Islam, Danming Wei, Jasmin Beharic, Dan O Popa, and CK Harnett. 2021. “Functional Fiber Junctions for Circuit Routing in E-Textiles: Deterministic Alignment of MEMS Layout With Fabric Structure.” In International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, 85079:V002T08A009. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Islam, M S, and C K Harnett. 2019. “Miniaturized Systems for Evaluating Enzyme Activity in Polymeric Membrane Bioreactors.” Eng. Life Sci., August.
Challa, S., M. S. Islam, and C. K. Harnett. 2019. “Fiber-Crawling Microrobots.” In Proceedings of MARSS. Helsinki, Finland.
Islam, Shafquatul. 2019. “Integrating Bioinspired Strain-Engineered MEMS Actuators with Breathable Fabric Carriers.” Presented at the 1st International Conference on Nature-Inspired Surface Engineering (NISE), Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, June 11.
Challa, Sushmita, Canisha Ternival, Shafquatul Islam, Jasmin Beharic, and Cindy K Harnett. 2019. “Transferring Microelectromechanical Devices to Breathable Fabric Carriers with Strain-Engineered Grippers.” MRS Advances, February, 1–8.
“Transferring Microelectromechanical Devices to Breathable Fabric Carriers with Strain-Engineered Grippers.” 2018. Poster presented at the Fall Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, MA, November 25.
Harnett, Cindy K, Jasmin Beharic, Canisha Ternival, Sushmita Challa, and Mohammad Shafquatul Islam. n.d. Microgrippers for Transferring Devices to Fibrous Surfaces. App 16/983,405.